Epiphone Les Paul Player PackVintage Sunburst

Regular Price: $289.99
Our Price: $289.00
SKU:  ae00-23676^PPEGEGL1VSCH1
Manufacturer Part #:  PPEGEGL1VSCH1
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Everything You Need to Start Playing Electric Guitar

Epiphone’s Les Paul™ Player Pack has everything you need to start playing guitar right away, including a genuine Les Paul Special-II LE guitar featuring two classic humbucker™ pickups and a 10-watt Electar™ guitar amp with a 10ft guitar cable. Epiphone also includes a clip-on headstock chromatic tuner, a guitar strap, medium picks, and an easy-to-carry gig bag. And best of all for new players, the Les Paul Player Pack comes with free downloadable guitar lessons from eMedia™ covering rock, blues, folk, country, hard rock, and metal. A battery is not included. To power your Player Pack tuner, you will need a 3-volt (CR2032) battery.

Manufacturer: Epiphone

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